- Overview of Projects
- Developing Overseas Markets and Construction a Global Network
Developing Overseas Markets and Construction a Global Network
Project Pbjective
- To promote exchange and friendship among comics associations and individuals worldwide
- To provide comics information bycollecting information about comics worldwide and establishing a database
Project Specifics
- Participating in the ICC every year and providing administrative supporting to the organizing committees of host countries
- International open-call cartoon contest exhibitions of original comic art; international academic seminars ICC Achievement Awards; Standing Committee
- Operating the ICC Korea Committee: 3 times a year
- Establishing a network of international comics information through the ICC Website (intercomicon.org)
- Maintaining the ICC Website and sending out monthly newsletters (publishing online columns about world trends and more)
- Establishing a database of information about comics of the world
- Hosting the 2010 ICC conference: To be held in Bucheon, Korea
- An international body to promote exchange and friendship among people involved in comics throughout the world (with a membership of over 1,000 comic artists and 82 organizations from 23 countries )
- The 17th ICC was held in Xinbei city, Taiwan from June 13 to 15 and 127 members and guests from 9 regions participated in the event.
- The 18th conference is scheduled to be held in Kiyakyushu city, Japan from Nov. 28 to Dec. 1, 2019 and the 19th conference is to open in Langfang city, China in 2020.
Exchange with Overseas Comics Organizations and Market Development
Project Pbjective
- To promote Korean manhwa, to gather information on international comics, to actively engage in interpersonal exchange, and to gain actual entry into foreign markets through regular participation in comics festivals in foreign countries and through strengthening exchange efforts
Project Specifics
- Participating in festivals in foreign countries, conducting exchange on an organizational level, and developing foreign markets in regions including Europe,
- Holding comics exchange exhibitions abroad: initiating collaborative exhibitions with foreign countries and rotating the exhibits to facilitate comics exchange
- Exchanging human resources: Comic artists residence program, writers' program for field research abroad, and more
Holding the Bucheon International Comics Festival
Project Pbjective
- To provide a milieu, as the representative comics publishing festival in Korea, for extensive exchange and real business among domestic and international comic artists and members of the comics industry
Project Specifics
- Festival overview
- When: Between August and October of every year
- Where: Inside KOMACON and at outdoor parks in the vicinity
* 2020 Festival: September 18-20 (The opening ceremony will be held on the evening of the 17th)
- Noteworthy programs: International Comics Fair, featured exhibitions, academic events, Bucheon Comics Award ceremony, experiential events, and more